Exercise is Medicine- A Commentary on “The Science of Exercise: Younger. Smarter. Stronger.”

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I provide expert manual therapy to heal my patients. I also teach my patients individualized exercise programs to accelerate their healing, prevent their pain from returning, and help them meet their goals for sport activities and fitness.

When you perform the best exercises to heal your injury or meet your specific needs, with perfect sequencing and proper balance of muscular activation, amazing transformations can occur in your body! The individual exercise programs I prescribe have helped many patients exceed their expectations and feel better than ever!

The keys to prescribing the most efficient and effective therapeutic exercise programs are to correct muscular imbalance, instability, asymmetry, and dysfunctional motor patterns. Proper stretches must also be completed to reduce muscular tension and irritation of joints, while at the same time improving blood flow and flexibility.

Exercise has the potential to prevent disease and injury from occurring. It is widely known that low-intensity, long-duration aerobic cardiovascular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease, which is the number one killer in the United States. However not everyone knows that pain and injuries will heal more quickly and properly if the injured person performs the correct exercises and movements in the proper dosage. In order to heal, a tendon injury requires different exercise than a ligament injury. Nerves, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bulging discs all require specific exercises to heal properly. This is because the body continuously adapts to the challenges it faces, and the appropriate level of challenge causes growth and healing. The right exercises for your injured tissues, as prescribed by your Doctor of Physical Therapy, provide the specific input that your body needs to heal from your individual injury.

Call 512-763-9330 Now for a FREE phone consultation to learn more about how Better Way Physical Therapy can help you live pain free, stay healthy and active, avoid pain medication, and prevent surgery.

Recently I came across an article that summarizes some of the many benefits of exercise. In 2017 Time Magazine published a special edition titled “The Science of Exercise: Younger. Smarter. Stronger.” Some of the notable highlights, which I agree with in my professional opinion, are included below.

“Exercise is a miracle drug. I’m such a believer that it’s the key to health, wellness and longevity that I prescribe it to every patient I see… Take it often, and you’ll live a longer, healthier life. Your medical costs will be lower, you’ll sleep better at night, and your work-days will be more productive. Your mood will improve, and your risk of developing almost any chronic disease will drop… It’s the most powerful, readily available drug in the world. And it’s free.”

“A 2016 study of more than 1.4 million people showed regular exercise decreases the risk for 13 types of cancer, including breast, ovarian and colon cancer.”

“Type 2 diabetes- which costs hundreds of billions of dollars per year and affects nearly 30 million Americans- is both preventable and treatable with regular exercise.”

“The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week- just about 30 minutes, five days a week.”

“People have more power than they think to shape their own health destinies. The secret is exercise.”

“The known benefits of exercise even apply to the brain. Numerous studies have shown lower rates of anxiety, depression and memory loss among regular exercisers, compared with people who don’t move around much. Exercise is currently the most effective known way to prevent the much-feared conditions of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and to slow their progression.”

“The most effective, potent way that we can improve quality of life and duration of life is exercise.”

Proper exercise is powerful medicine that heals pain and injuries. By combining expert instruction in individualized exercise programs with highly skilled manual therapy performed by your Doctor of Physical Therapy in a 1-on-1 environment, Better Way Physical Therapy can help you to live pain free, stay healthy and active, avoid pain medications, and prevent surgeries. Call 512-763-9330 Now to learn more!


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